
The eventingbackends.eventing.kyma-project.io CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) is a detailed description of the kind of data used to manage Eventing backends within Kyma. To get the up-to-date CRD and show the output in the YAML format, run this command:

Click to copy
kubectl get crd eventingbackends.eventing.kyma-project.io -o yaml

Sample custom resource

This is a sample EventingBackend custom resource (CR) that the Eventing Controller creates by default when Kyma is deployed. It has an empty spec section.

Click to copy
apiVersion: eventing.kyma-project.io/v1alpha1
kind: EventingBackend
name: eventing-backend
namespace: kyma-system
spec: {}

Custom resource parameters

When you fetch an existing EventingBackend CR, the Eventing Controller adds the status section, which shows the current status of Kyma Eventing.



backendTypestringSpecifies the backend type used. The value is either BEB, or NATS.
bebSecretNamestringName of the Secret containing BEB access tokens, required for BEB only.
bebSecretNamespacestringNamespace of the Secret containing BEB access tokens, required for BEB only.
conditions[]objectDefines the status of the Controller and the EPP.
conditions.lastTransitionTimestringDefines the date of the last condition status change.
conditions.messagestringProvides more details about the condition status change.
conditions.reasonstringDefines the reason for the condition status change.
conditions.status (required)stringStatus of the condition. The value is either True, False, or Unknown.
conditions.typestringShort description of the condition.
eventingReadybooleanDefines the overall Backend status.

These components use this CR:

Eventing ControllerThe Eventing Controller uses this CR to display its ready status and the ready status of the Event Publisher Proxy.